Team Details

Yona Isiga

Internal Auditor

Yona Isiga is a professional entrusted with ensuring the integrity of our organization’s financial and operational processes.

As guardians of accuracy and transparency, our Internal Auditor meticulously examines financial records, internal controls, and operational procedures to identify areas of improvement and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. In an ever-evolving business landscape, our Internal Auditor plays a pivotal role in risk management. They assess potential risks, identify vulnerabilities, and recommend measures to mitigate these risks, safeguarding our organization’s assets and reputation.

Beyond risk assessment, our Internal Auditor is an advocate for process improvement. They work collaboratively with various departments to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and identify cost-saving opportunities.

Our Internal Auditor is a trusted guardian of our organization’s financial health and operational integrity. Their expertise, attention to detail, and unwavering commitment to ethical standards contribute to the success and transparency of JIT MAT (U) LIMITED.